Celebrate Recovery is a life-changing recovery program that is Christ-centered. Celebrate Recovery encourages fellowship and celebrates God’s healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to recovery. We are changed as we share our experiences, worries, strengths, and hopes with one another in a safe, small group environment. We become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving life’s problems. By working through the principles, we grow spiritually and are freed from our hurts, habits and hangups. Through this process, we find peace, serenity, joy, as well as a stronger relationship with others and Jesus Christ our Higher Power.


Does it work?

There are currently more than 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches around the world and the number continues to grow! To date, over 5 million people have completed a Step Study. Like most everything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it! By working through the principles, we grow spiritually and are freed from our hurts, habits and hangup.

What to expect

 The three main parts of Celebrate Recovery are worship/Large Group, followed by men’s-only and woman’s-only Open Share or Small Group Step Study. 

Large Group

Large group begins with songs of worship followed by one of twenty-five lessons or a live or recorded testimony. Large group meetings generally last an hour.

Open Share

Separate rooms divide men and women for Open Share. Open Share provides a forum where you are able to speak about struggles and successes in your life without comment from others in an environment which demands confidentiality. Free yourself and learn from others. Open Share lasts about an hour.

Small Group Step Study

In gender specific rooms, men or women meet for an hour to answer questions provided by the 12-Step Participant’s Guide books. Again, confidentiality is paramount.  Step Studies open conditional to leadership availability and eight to twelve participants.


After Open Share and Small Group, snacks and refreshments are provided at the Crossroads Café to encourage fellowship among participants.

So if you struggle with anxiety, depression, hurts, addiction, codependency, habits, or hang ups, you are welcome to join us.

We meet on Thursday’s at 7 PM